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Benefits of the SKECHERS Direct Corporate Shoe Program

Are you tired of costly slip-and-falls? Are you frustrated with your current shoe program? The SKECHERS Direct Corporate Shoe Program is the answer. This program is cost-free with no minimum purchasing requirements or setup fees. Your employees buy direct from SKECHERS and save.

SKECHERS will put together a custom ecommerce site and will customize the selection based on your company’s uniform policy. Your employees can purchase shoes online with free shipping and free returns or by shopping at any of the 500-plus SKECHERS retail stores in the United States and Canada.

“This cost-free program has some incredible benefits and will provide your employees with a substantial discount on safe, comfortable and durable trend-right footwear resulting in improved worker safety, morale and overall efficiency,” says Harold Surabian, National Sales Manager.
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The SKECHERS Direct program is available to companies with 200 or more employees and who are based in the United States or Canada. The program offers employees a year-round 30 percent discount on SKECHERS slip-resistant work shoes and corporate casual styles. All of the SKECHERS slip-resistant shoes are ASTM Mark II tested to meet or exceed a coefficient of friction of 0.50 or greater.

Included in the program is SKECHERS $5,000 slip and fall warranty that helps protect your company from costly slip-and-falls. In addition, employees will benefit from SKECHERS Quarterly Friends and Family Days events on shoes for the entire family, including kids’ shoes, walking shoes, running shoes and even golf shoes (30 percent off on over 3,000 great styles).
Should you choose to participate, you may also offer your employees a payroll deduction program for their shoe purchases. This would enable them to spread the cost of their shoes over multiple paychecks. This part of the program is entirely optional for the employer, and you need not offer a payroll deduction plan to enable your employees to enjoy all the other benefits of the SKECHERS Direct Corporate Shoe Program.