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Holiday Update

Onsuri EVOO Celebrates Thanksgiving Day Spirit

Onsuri EVOODoubtful the pilgrims used extra virgin olive oil for their Thanksgiving dinner, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it. While Onsuri EVOO is based in the United Kingdom and Jordan, out of respect for a “celebration involving making memories with food as a centerpiece,” the company passes along ways to use Onsuri EVOO on Thanksgiving Day.
In Jordan, our dinners revolve around Middle Eastern flavors, dishes that are rich in spices like za’atar, and utilize olive oil in nearly every recipe,” the company said in a press release. “Dishes like Mansaf, a Jordanian staple made of lamb, rice, and flatbread, is a dish intended to be enjoyed by a crowd.
“While you’re likely to have turkey on the table, it could serve as an alternative for those looking for something new and different. You could try adding hummus to your Thanksgiving table as a spread for dinner rolls with a nice well of EVOO poured on top. The best thing about EVOO is that it works so well in many of your favorite recipes.”
A few more ways to incorporate EVOO into Turkey Day:

Gourmet News is thankful for everyone reading this. Have a filling and fulfilling Thanksgiving Day!